PHASE III: Draft Vision
Transit Vision has released a Draft Recommended Network of Memphis’ bus system, based on public input and Memphis priorities. Its success rides on YOU. This network features:
- More buses arriving more often
- 39 percent more jobs reachable in an hour by transit for the average Memphian (17,000)
- 45% more jobs reachable in an hour for minority residents and 49% for low-income residents
- 79,000 more people and 103,000 more jobs near frequent service (every 15 minutes)
How does the Draft Transit Vision achieve this?
- A new investment of $30 million per year in transit.
- New and redesigned bus routes that change how people connect across the city.
- More frequent service: less waiting and going further, faster.
- More weekend and evening service.
The existing map shows today’s transit system for reference. The Draft Recommended Network Map is a new, expanded vision for transit requiring a $30 million annual investment. It was created using public input on key transit choices over two phases of outreach. The public and key stakeholders now have a chance to review and comment on the network. The final phase will be to recommend a Final Network to Memphis City Council in 2019.
Ridership and coverage goals lead us in opposite directions. Within a fixed budget, if a transit agency wants to do more of one, it must do less of another. There is a basic trade-off between concentrating service into very useful routes that serve large numbers of people, and spreading service out to make sure that people everywhere have access to at least some service.
Ridership Model = More frequent service in core areas
Coverage Model = Less frequent service over broader area
You have transportation choices – Memphis 3.0 AND Innovate Memphis, in partnership with MATA and the Memphis MPO are developing the transit vision to understand and develop the future transit system for Memphians. Click the report below to view the Choices Report, understand the process ahead.

What choices should we make as a city about transit?